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Online homework info sheets are now available in the plastic drawers behind the instructor's podium.

You will still need a few hard copies of your homework for the occasional student who doesn't have a PC. But you will no longer need to print homework or remember to lug it to class. Whoever has the better handwriting should fill out the helf sheets to give to all students at the first week class. Please include your contact info.

THE PASSWORDS ARE CASE SENSITIVE - make sure you write them in lower case:

  • Puppy Confidence - pc2014

  • Puppy Games & Confidence Sessions handouts

  • Intermediate Prep handouts - prep2014

  • Finishing School handouts - fs2014

  • Loose Leash Walking handouts - llw2014

  • Dastardly Distractions handouts - dd2014

  • Total Recall class handouts - tr2014

  • Keep Calm & Carry On handouts - kcco2014

  • Me & My Dog class handouts - mmd2014

  • Spring into Summer Fun class - sisf2014

  • Agility for Fun class - aff2014

  • Take it on the Road meeting locations - tor2014

  • Tails & Trails - hiking & snowshoeing meeting locations - tnt2014

  • Canine Good Citizen handouts - cgc2014

Please email me the homework files for your classes so I can upload them. They are easy to update so any time you edit them, just send me an updated version. I will assign a simple password and post it above so you can find it.

For Take it on the Road and Tails & Trails, the primary "homework" should be the locations and directions of where you will be meeting each week and any handouts that apply. No student should get lost!

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